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Tamiya Motorized Support Legs
Good quality, fine detailing! Fast shipping. Very pleased about this product
Modellbau Auflieger
Alles super gelaufen immer wieder gern
Schnelle Lieferung Danke
Unboxing and first impression
First prize wise,reasonable prize for high quality parts,
Small down is the noise it makes when lowering legs maximum but it works and that counts!
For this purchase prize I understand the quality of's just a shame you are left over after finishing the kit with double plastic parts that also come with the Mfc,the truck,trailer.
I'd rather seen this separately sold kit with more alumium/metal legs/parts instead of plastic,because trailer itself is also in a beautiful aluminium/metal construction.
Now I also have question of my own?
I've read in the instructions It's not possible to attach the rear wheel fenders on the truck when using the motorised support legs,still in different videos of other builders they attach the fenders and support legs fully function.
Is there a reason for this in the instructions why it's adviced not to put the rear fenders,
Maybe when driving,they make kontakt rear fenders and trailer support?
1:14 Aufliegerstützen elektrisch angetr.
Zusammenbau recht einfach, Preis Leistung = OK