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Art.Nr.: 300054864
Art.bezeichnung: T3-01/WR-02 Fahrerfigur
Here is a new, versatile driver figure ready to take the wheel (or
handlebar) of your models! This figure has been included in the Dual Rider (Item 57407) kit.
Item Contents/Information
• This is an assembly driver figure with two potential helmet types:
screw-attach the visor and chin guard parts for a motocross style helmet, or remove them for a standard type.
• Hand parts rotate to allow their fitting to included steering wheel and handlebar.
• Screws and small parts for attachment are included.
• Stickers create 4 different designs of eye, plus one pair of
sunglasses, analog instrumentation for motorbike models, and digital
displays for both car and bike models, plus plenty of generic designs.
• Paint as you like using Tamiya Color plastic paints.
• Compatible with T3-01, WR-02 and GF-01 chassis models (not WR-02G and Heavy Dump Truck models).